Erstwhile current (that is, past) affairs

Dec 2023. I give an invited (online) talk for the Jowett Society of the University of Oxford. An updated version is also available of my paper on "Statistical learning theory and Occam's razor."

Nov 2023. I give an invited talk at a symposium in Utrecht on Philosophy of Science, AI and Machine Learning organised by the Dutch Association for Philosophy of Science (NVWF).

Oct 2023. In the 2023-24 winter semester I teach an advanced seminar on Philosophical Aspects of Deep Learning. I also organize, together with Timo Freiesleben, a new round of the MCMP reading group on philosophy of machine learning.

Sep 2023. Philosophy & Technology accepts my invited commentary of David Watson's "On the philosophy of unsupervised learning."

Sep 2023. I give an invited talk at PhilML'23 in Tübingen.

Aug 2023. I give a talk at ECAP 9 in Vienna and at Progic 2023 in Utrecht.

Jul 2023. I teach a session at the Trust and Machine Learning summer school of the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart.

Jun 2023. Philosophy of Science accepts my invited review of John Norton's The Material Theory of Induction. A first version is also available of my paper on "Statistical learning theory and Occam's razor."

Jun 2023. I co-organize the Machine Learning meets Mathematical Philosophy workshop with the MCMP and the Munich Center for Machine Learning. I also give an invited talk at the AI & Mathematics (AIM2023) workshop at the University of Twente.

May 2023. I represent Munich at the Tübingen-Hannover Workshop on Philosophy of AI/ML. I also give a talk at the Formal Methods cluster of the King's College London Department of Philosophy.

Apr 2023. In the 2023 summer semester I teach an advanced seminar on Philosophy of Statistics. I also organize, together with Timo Freiesleben, a new round of the MCMP reading group on philosophy of machine learning.

Apr 2023. my paper with Peter Grünwald on the no-free-lunch theorems is featured on (in German).

Apr 2023. I start my Emmy Noether project.

Mar 2023. I visit Jan-Willem Romeijn at the Groningen Department of Theoretical Philosophy.

Mar 2023. I organize a workshop on Theory and Epistemology of Machine Learning.

Feb 2023. I visit Konstantin Genin at the Tübingen Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning for Science".